Filmed over 3 years, the sights, sounds, and daily routines within a classic bricks & mortar video rental shop are conveyed through the lenses of 35 year old tube video cameras, some experimental flair, and aggressive 5.1 surround sound.
Director Biography:
A York University Film Production graduate, Toronto-based Mark Richard Hasan is also an accredited journalist (Rue Morgue), media writer + publisher (, and podcaster. He’s also a recognized authority on film music, and via Big Head Amusements, produces unique effects blending vintage analogue gear with contemporary digital software.
Director Statement:
The classic bricks & mortar video store is a rare breed in 2017, often branded as an obsolete form of home entertainment in the age of digital downloads & streaming.
I was compelled to capture the nuances of selling & renting physical media using similarly maligned obsolete technology – 30+ year old tube video cameras, processors, & mixers – to reinforce the truism that what’s old, outmoded, & worthless to some has value to others.
Although assembled and layered within a digital environment, the film’s images, saturated colours, grain, & textures are unique to the inimitable analogue world of tape, tubes, & chunky black boxes – a tribute to the resilience of physical tape and disc media which behold a far greater archive of film, TV, and ephemeral pop culture history than online streams.
Director Filmography:
BSV 1172: Your Friendly Neighbourhood Video Store (2016)
Liquid Puppetry (2015)
Paradise Unfolded (1992) (co-director)
The Bare Bones (1992)