Visual Effects + Extracts from the Brian Reitzell Podcast – Part 2
This one’s a quickie. I felt the lo-fi quality of the Brian Reitzell podcast on YouTube didn’t do the images that appear in the podcast justice, so I put up a short extract so you can see the finer details of the animations in 720p.
On Vimeo:
And on YouTube:
Also, fairly recently I became aware of Nathan Silver’s feature film Stinking Heaven (2015), a drama / black comedy set in 1990 that was shot entirely with a vintage Ikegami HL-79E 3-tube camera, and made its Toronto debut via MDFF’s monthly indie film series at the Royal Cinema.
I reviewed the film at, along with a short Editor’s Blog that ruminates a bit more on the film’s aesthetics.
The film’s trailer doesn’t do it justice, and its abruptness is likely an attempt to avoid spoiling the dynamics of the characters, but as this clip on Vimeo demonstrates, the film looks very pleasing in its final digital form, especially when projected on the big screen.
Worth catching in the cinema, if not as a high-res digital download.
Cheers, and thanks for reading,
Mark R. Hasan, Editor
Big Head Amusements